It has been a journey to get to where I am today — here, in front of you, as a health coach! Let me share a little bit about my story….
I have fought a battle my entire life — a battle that between my head and my heart. I have felt a strong pull since I was a child for a calling — and it included changing my family legacy. However, I have always questioned why I would be the one to receive this calling, and, do I have the strength to heed it?
Fast forward to adulthood and finding myself flat on my back with four children that I cannot properly take care of. I dove in and began to take care of my health. My father introduced me to functional medicine following a conference he had attended. We shared books and webinars and a love for learning about health and wellness. We ran hair tissue mineral analyses to determine issues in our health. In time, I started to feel amazing. I knew in my heart that natural wellness was part of my calling.
I was introduced to doTERRA essential oils. This allowed me to gradually remove toxins from my home — personal products, cleaning products, perfumes and air fresheners. It was an easy step toward wellness. I loved this area and spent 4 years teaching others how to make simple changes in their home to bring true wellness to their families. I implemented essential oils as part of our daily routine for supporting and boosting our immune system. I was amazed to learn of how these drops can help in every area of my health and home.
A few years later, my mother was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and quickly had dementia setting in. Her doctor said this was a result of the Statin drugs she had been taking, as well as the OTC meds for her acid reflux. I was devastated — and began to soothe my soul with sweets. The pain, inflammation, weight and mood issues increased. I assisted my family in caring for my mother until we had to place her in a nursing home. Then my father passed away a few months later — in my opinion, from a broken heart. Reeling with pain, I walked away from my own health.
Two years later, I found myself laying awake at night with the sound of the call for change booming louder and louder. It was one I could no longer deny. I began to realize that I cannot do what I have been put here to do if I do not have my health. I see that it is MY responsibility to build my own health — it is a matter of personal sovereignty —because no one is coming to save me — and no one can do it for me.
I want to dictate life on my terms - instead of sickness calling the shots. In studying epigenetics, I believe that we are not doomed with generational issues. We have control over our health by the choices we make on a daily basis. I have seen the loss of health and devastation of disease destroy a loved one’s life - and I am committed to that not being me, my family — or you! I firmly believe that all things work together for good — and I believe my mom’s journey will bring healing to many.
I enrolled in the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute under Dr. Stephen Cabral, a Naturopathic Doctor, who runs one of the largest wellness practices in the world. The information was powerful — and simple — and made healthcare about building health. It reminded me that my body has an innate ability to heal itself once I allow it to return to a state of equilibrium and remove the imbalances, toxicities and deficiencies. It offered solutions without side effects and a plan that anyone could follow. It offered hope and healing and brought back my excitement and hope.
Change is not easy, but it is worth it. It begins with making a decision to choose a new way of living - and then taking massive action on it.
I would be honored to walk alongside you as you take massive action in changing your life from the inside out. It won’t be easy — but it will be worth it!